Stephanie has over eight years of international experience working in the private, public, and non-profit sectors, designing and implementing social impact projects and public policies. She is a Biotechnology Engineer specializing in Public Management and studying for a Master’s Degree in Governance with a major in Sustainable Development.
She worked for the Presidency of the Republic of Ecuador, the National Secretariat of Public Administration and three ministers. She worked and promoted public service optimization, open government and open data policy, open innovation, strategic planning, and business innovation.
She has developed diverse initiatives with universities, non-profit sector and companies, which helped the entrepreneur sector, SME's, indigenous peoples, and women.
In her experience in the non-profit and public sectors, she has worked with major stakeholders such as SDG Accelerator Labs from the United Nations, Organization of American States, World Bank, Interamerican for Development Bank, and Development Bank of Latin America Open Government Partnership.
She has hands-on experience in human-centered/client-focused service design, applying design thinking, Lean Six Sigma, PDCA Cycle, and other frameworks. In addition, Stephanie is a certified consultant in Creativity Applied Technics.